Academic Publications

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Warped Front Pages - With Elliot Pickens, Gideon Heltzer, Jenny Wang, Duncan J. Watts. Columbia Journalism Review. 2023. non-Peer Reviewed

The Science of Fake News - With David Lazer, Matthew Baum, Yochai Benkler, Adam Bernisky, Kelly Greenhilll, et al.. Science. 2018. Peer Reviewed Publication


Parallax and Tax - With Etan Green, Haksoo Lee. The Review of Economic Studies (Restud) R&R. 2019. non-Peer Reviewed

Political Science

Issues Constraint - With Tobias Konitzer, Sharad Goel, Sam Corbett-Davies. . 2017. Filed

The Mythical Swing Voter - With Andrew Gelman, Sharad Goel, Doug Rivers. Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 2016. Peer Reviewed Publication

Mobile as Survey Mode - With Tobias Konitzer, Stephie Eckman. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, ASA. 2016. Peer Reviewed Publication
